One third of all renters move annually in the U.S., plus there are numerous individuals that are relocating due to job requirements. Any kind of employee relocation process takes a lot of organization to avoid any costly issues, especially when selling your home as part of the move. You can find corporate relocation specialists to help you navigate relocating for a job. By taking it one step at a time, you can organize everything to simplify your move.
Before you get too far into the process, you should look at a solution for organizing all of your stuff prior to the long distance movers coming to help you move. Some households have used pods to sort and organize their possessions so that they do not have to worry about moving excess clutter and unwanted items as part of their relocation packages. Corporate relocation specialists can give you additional information to help make the process easier.
To cut down on your household clutter, you should formulate a game plan so that you are organized when it gets closer to moving time. For the bigger furniture pieces and items that you will not need prior to reaching your destination, you can start placing it in temporary storage pods. This allows you to create more space at home in which to organize your possessions.
When you have created some space to stage your packing and organizing, you can begin to sort through the existing items. First, start with boxes labeled for donations and trash. These are the items that you will not want to pack and move with you. When going through your items, now is the time to identify the clothes, books and miscellaneous items that you not longer use. While you may have been holding on to them for various reasons, you have to make the hard decisions to get donate or get rid of the items that no longer hold value. For any items that you are on the fence about, go ahead and take a photo of the item so that you can hold on to the memory without having to keep up with the item.
Hopefully the corporate relocation specialists will offer advice on sorting and giving away or throwing out items will reduce the amount of clutter and excess in your home. Using the same staging ideas, begin to pack your items by concentrating on the less used stuff first. This will allow you to continue with normal daily activities and not have to hunt through boxes for something you realized you need now. It may be obvious to most, but take care to leave good walkways through the rooms as the boxes begin to pile up. On moving day you want to be able to easily get everything out without having to shift piles of boxes around. References.